To find out if there are safe alternatives, should you find yourself in the unfortunate position of being without toilet paper, you may have resorted to desperate searches online. We at Simon Plumbing would like to discuss popular alternatives, though there are many options that claim to be safe to use.
Can You Really Flush Flushable Wipes?
A safe alternative to toilet paper is believed to be flushable wipes. Where these can be an asset for those that are potty training a young child or looking for a better clean for yourself. They are ideal when you are away from your normal toilet amenities, such as when you are enjoying hiking, camping, or other outdoorsy activities. These wipes, however, are not safe for the plumbing system. Clogs are inevitable as they take significantly longer to break down.
What Can’t You Flush Down the Toilet?
Even out of desperation, it is better in the long run to avoid flushing napkins or wipes. There are certain things that should never make their way through your plumbing system as they will cause costly plumbing related repairs. Avoid flushing the following alternatives to toilet paper and other items such as:
– Any kind of plastic
– Paper towels / Napkins paper or cloth
– Hair
– Dental floss
– Q-tips / Cotton balls
– Disinfectant wipes, baby wipes, moist wipes, etc.
– Oils, fats, and greases
– Facial tissues
– Nutshells, eggshells, and coffee grounds
– Diapers of any kind
– Medicines, vitamins, or other pharmaceuticals
– Toilet bowl scrub pads
– tampons, sanitary napkins, condoms, or any non-organic material
Remain calm and contact your plumber if you find that you have a clog from one of the above items being flushed down your toilet, or anything else as we know accidents can happen.
What Can You Flush Down the Toilet?
When it comes to what you can and can’t, a good rule of thumb is to stick to the basics like water, toilet paper, and human waste. Even thick toilet paper should be used sparingly per flush to make certain it fully breaks down without clogs.
Good Toilet Paper Alternatives
Should, you have clean water you can actually have a safe and effective toilet paper alternative that poses no risk to your home’s plumbing system. Following the use of the restroom, you know that it’s a type of toilet that provides a stream of water to clean yourself. Over 90% of households have them installed in their bathrooms throughout Asia, Europe, and South America, when they were developed in the early 1700s. If necessary, a perineal irrigation bottle, or peri bottle or you can call a professional to install a bidet.
Safe Use of Flushable Wipes
Though wipes may not be suited for your toilet, there are still plenty of ways to utilize your wet-wipe stockpile
– Makeup Removal
– Wiping scuff marks from shoes
– Wiping houseplants dust buildup clean
– Removing mud from pet’s paws on rainy days
– Wiping pollen from your hair
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Having many of other unconventional uses for your wipes, just be certain they are discarded in the trash bin and not the toilet. Call Simon Plumbing today should you face a clog in toilet, or accidentally flushed something.